Sexist and sexual violence

Le Garde-Fête

Le Garde-Fête" is a tool set up by the Student House to help students better understand and manage problematic behavior at festive events.

This tool aims to create a safe and respectful environment, while promoting safe, respectful and inclusive party environments for all students.

Student associations, BDE: to ensure the success and smooth running of your events, you can use the Garde-Fête. Download it easily below or go directly to the Maison étudiante Bastille (50 Rue des Tournelles) and Labo 6 (76bis Rue de Rennes). ✨

Awareness-raising workshops

Students need to be as well-equipped as possible to combat SGBV. That's why we offer online training courses throughout the school year. They provide an overview of the current situation with regard to SGBV (legal framework, how to prevent and detect it), and then offer keys to concrete commitment within associations and in everyday life.

All associations subsidized by the Student House are obliged to involve their members.

The next training sessions will take place :

  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2025 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 19, 2025 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

The login link for the training course:

MOOC: Violence against women

This MOOC: Violence against women, built by seasoned professionals, is supported by the City of Paris, the Institut de Victimologie, Gynécologie sans frontière, FNCIDFF and the Fédération nationale Solidarité femme.

It covers the clinic, the medico-legal approach, and the care network, with the participation of the national gendarmerie and women's self-help associations.

He is interested in feminicide and how to prevent it.

It concludes with a therapeutic approach to children and women who are victims of domestic violence.

The pedagogical committee is composed of Pr Louis Jehel, Christine Guillemaut, Dr Gilles Lazimi, Dr Gérard Lopez, Dr Richard Matis, Mathilde Delespine.

Victims or witnesses of domestic violence, you have rights, you can get help. Escaping violence is never forbidden!

On this page, you'll find all the contacts and useful information you need to be listened to, accompanied and protected if you and your children are affected by violence; or to provide the best possible support to victims if you are a witness.

  • if you are subjected to domestic violence, threats or strong psychological pressure
  • if your children witness or are victims of violence or child abuse
  • if you, as a young adult or teenager, are suffering or have suffered sexual violence
  • if you are aware of a situation in your environment or neighborhood.

Dial 17 or text 114 to contact Police Secours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.If you need to flee your home in an emergency, call 115 to request shelter.

Need help with :

  • File a complaint and receive support: social workers in police stations (ISC) provide telephone hotlines in certain Paris arrondissements. 
  • Reporting violence: on the website, you can report a situation of violence, chat with trained agents, and benefit from assistance and advice.
  • Child welfare

We are at your disposal for advice and support:

  • 39 19: Violences Femmes info 
  • 0800 05 95 95 : Viols Femmes Informations 
  • 116 006: national telephone number for all victims of criminal offences 
  • 01 40 47 06 06 : Écoute Violences Femmes Handicapées l
  • 119 : Children in danger 

Legal access points (PAD)

The 5 legal access points (PAD) provide a remote service: reception, advice, follow-up of files, making appointments for telephone hotlines, referral to services or professionals able to meet needs. They can be reached by e-mail and telephone:

Associations listen to women

Parisian associations that support victims of violence are at your side.

Legal support

  • CIDFF: Centre d'information des femmes et des familles de Paris, for legal questions (complaints, court proceedings, etc.): remote or face-to-face support after making an appointment by telephone, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5.30pm: 01 83 64 72 01 -
  • Paris Aide aux Victimes (PAV75): South of Paris: 01 45 88 18 00 or / North of Paris: 01 53 06 83 50 or Office hours will continue to be held at the Victims' Assistance Office of the Paris Judicial Court.
  • Juris Secours: 01 48 30 81 39 /

Comprehensive support

  • LE PHARE: day care by telephone Monday to Friday - 8:30am-8:30pm: 01 43 13 13 53. Face-to-face reception depending on assessment.
  • Drop-in center for battered women (HAFB ) - 01 43 48 18 66 /
  • Espace solidarité insertion Femmes - HAFB : mornings 10am-12noon (except Thursdays): 01 43 48 18 66. Afternoons open to the public 1pm-5.30pm.
  • La Maison des femmes de Paris: 01 43 43 41 13 -
  • Femmes solidaires: telephone hotlines Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm: 01 40 01 90 90. Remote consultations with female lawyers by appointment only.
  • Elle's Imagine'nt: telephone hotline Tuesdays 2pm to 5pm and Thursdays 12pm to 3pm 06 61 89 47 90. The mailbox is always accessible 7 days a week: Depending on requirements, appointments can be arranged by videoconference, telephone or face-to-face.
  • Libres terres de femmes (LT DF): phone numbers Monday to Friday, 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm: 06 26 66 95 70 or 01 40 35 36 67. By e-mail: Lawyer consultations by telephone by appointment. See our website
  • HELP: open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m.: 06 76 38 53 19 -

Foreign women's rights

  • Femmes de la Terre: - hotline Mondays from 1 to 5 p.m.: 01 48 06 03 34
  • Iranian Women's Leagues for Democracy (LFID): 01 40 24 17 90 - Open to the public on Mondays and Thursdays from 10am to 5pm, in person by appointment.
  • RAJFIRE: defending the rights of foreign women: - drop-in reception and office hours Tuesdays at 4:30pm, at the Maison des femmes de Paris, 163 rue de Charenton, 12th arrondissement.
  • La Cimade: 01 40 08 05 34 or 06 77 82 79 09 Wednesdays, 9.30am to 12.30pm and 2.30pm to 5.30pm.
  • Women for Women France: an information website in several languages, available on Facebook: -

Forced marriages and excision

  • GAMS: excision and forced marriages: Monday to Friday: - 01 43 48 10 87. Face-to-face reception, by appointment only, and after telephone assessment.
  • SOS Mariage forcé: association Voix de Femmes : 01 30 31 05 05, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 10am to 1pm,

Young women victims of violence

  • POW'HER - FIT: une femme un toit (for 15-25 year olds) : 01 71 29 50 02 - Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm by appointment only. In case of emergency, the team is available Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. All psychological, legal, emotional and sexual services are still available face-to-face.
  • En Avant Toutes: a chat room for young victims of domestic violence, hosted by the association, is open from 10am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday:

Accommodation facilities

The CHU-CHRS are making every effort to get back to business as usual.

  • HAFB - Mise en sécurité SIAO 75: 01 43 48 18 66 - the SIAO 75 can admit women to social hotels for 15 days, referred by HAFB.
  • PHARE : 01 45 85 12 24 - Safety work continues.
  • Suzanne Képès: 01 58 01 09 45 - admissions and discharges are gradually resuming.
  • Foyer Louise Labbé: 06 38 10 15 01 - remains open.
  • FIT, une femme un toit : 01 44 54 87 90 - no move-out possible and therefore no admission.
  • POW'HER: now offering 40 places for girls in an apartment hotel (since November 1).

For more information, please visit this page. If you would like further help (psychologist, family planning, etc.), please click here.

Safe Prof

Nous Toutes Upec has developed a prevention tool to combat sexist and sexual violence between teachers and students.

At university, there are prevention campaigns on violence between students, and more and more student associations are being trained or encouraged to be trained in sexist and sexual violence.

But what about violence between teachers and students?

No prevention campaign, no training for teaching and administrative staff, and violence that is underestimated or even denied.

Based on this observation and the testimonies of victims, and with the support of students and teachers, Nous Toutes decided to create a tool to raise awareness among students and teachers.

At what point does the academic relationship between teacher and student turn into a toxic or even dangerous one?