Financial aid
Exceptional financial aid from Crous
Occasional help
Target audience: be a student at an ESR establishment in Paris, under 35 years of age, facing difficulties.
Intended for: financing accommodation (rent, installation costs), financing one-off purchases (related to studies, such as supplies), healthcare costs, hygiene and living expenses, mobility costs (e.g. as part of an internship), etc.
Period: students can benefit from one-off assistance throughout the academic year (September 1 to August 31).
Procedure: you need to make an appointment with a social worker, by sending an e-mail to the address corresponding to your school. Appointments are made remotely, by telephone, until further notice. If the situation warrants it, more than one grant may be awarded in the course of the same academic year.
Each case is examined by a committee which meets on a weekly basis.
Annual assistance
Target group: assistance is available to students who meet the diploma, study and nationality requirements set out in the regulatory circular on social grants. Students must be in one of the following situations: proven autonomy, family break-up, resumption of studies or other justifiable situation.
Period: students can apply for an annual allowance as soon as their administrative enrolment at their higher education establishment has been confirmed.
No application for an annual allowance will be accepted after December 31st of the current academic year, except in cases of lasting and significant change in the student's situation.
Procedure: start by compiling your student social file (DSE). Then make an appointment with a social worker by sending an e-mail to the address corresponding to your enrolment establishment. Appointments are made remotely, by telephone, until further notice.
Vouchers for food and basic necessities
Target group : assistance available to all Parisian students, means-tested after a social diagnosis.
Applicationperiod: applications can be made throughout the year
Procedure: first make an appointment with the Crous social services department.
Exceptional allowance from the City of Paris
The amount of assistance is variable and depends on the person's situation. This assistance cannot be renewed on a regular basis.
Contact your local Centre d'Action Sociale Ville de Paris to find out about reception arrangements (with or without an appointment, depending on the site).
Specify: the reason for your appeal, the nature of the difficulties encountered, the district in which you live, the date of presentation or contact with the social action center in your district, and your contact details (telephone number and e-mail).