Medical-psychological check-up consultations
Medical-psychological check-ups (somatic, nutrition, sexual health, psychology...)
These medical-psychological check-up consultations (somatic, nutrition, sexual health, psychological...) are part of a coordinated care pathway within the 5 health centers and 3 medico-social centers in Paris. They offer psychological follow-up and/or referral to a specialist doctor (e.g. gynecologist) in one of the city's centers, or to a healthcare partner, depending on needs.
These consultations are reimbursed and require no advance payment. For young people who do not have a carte vitale or health insurance entitlement, the medical-social centers will provide access to a Permanence Médico-Sociale (PMS) to help them with administrative formalities.
Any psychological follow-up sessions prescribed by GPs in health centers are not intended to replace the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care provided by CMPs and BAPUs. They are limited in time and number of sessions. They are aimed at young people in psychological distress, with symptoms linked to various types of situation, such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, misuse of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis (except for dependence), and eating disorders with no signs of seriousness.
Appointments can be made directly via the DOCTOLIB platform(Santé mentale des jeunes - Ville de Paris, Centre de santé à Paris (, under the heading consultation bilan médico-psychologique.
For further information:
- a generic address has been created:
- a page on the City of Paris website: Mental health for young people: all the useful contacts - City of Paris
- a link to the Doctolib page: Mental health for young people - Ville de Paris, Centre de santé à Paris (
- a flyer, by clicking here