Réunion d’inscription
- 76 bis rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris
- From à

The Maison étudiante is organizing a conference on the mental health of students on June 7, 2024 at Paris City Hall.
This conference has been awarded the Paris Recherche label.
Vulnerable to mental health problems, the student population has seen its mental state deteriorate since the health crisis. Now increasingly visible, this trend continues. Concerned with the well-being of the student population, the Bureau de la vie étudiante (Student Life Office) has been subsidizing a number of student mental health initiatives for the past ten years. This funding illustrates the City of Paris' determination to make mental health a major national cause.
However, despite the various initiatives implemented by all the players involved, the mental state of the student population has never been so worrying, and the need to find solutions has never been greater. So, in order to provide the City of Paris and all those involved in the field of student mental health and well-being with new tools, and to find solutions together, we invite you :
This event will bring together all those working in the field of mental health and student well-being to share news, research and analyses from the field.
1:30 pm: Reception of participants in the Paris Council chamber
2pm-4pm: Plenary session bringing together various players and experts who will objectify the situation of students⋅es vis-à-vis their mental health. Through this round table, we wish to describe the factors, intrinsic to the student condition, impacting mental health but also the exogenous factors, contributing to create a context perceived as anxiety-provoking;
- Nightline
- Observatoire de la Vie Etudiante
16h-17h10: Three thematic working groups to build tools, actions and partnerships.
5:15pm: Roundtable debriefing in plenary session.
5:35pm: Conclusion.